Citizenship by Investment

Expand your global horizons by boosting your mobility. Acquiring an additional citizenship can propel you toward greater opportunities. Citizenship by Investment programs offer a pathway to acquiring a new nationality in exchange for contributions, donations, or property investments.

Citizenship by Investment

Expand your horizons with increased global mobility. Acquiring another citizenship can propel you toward greater opportunities.


Minimum Requirement


Citizenship Programmes


Successful Applicants

Citizenship by Investment (CBI) offers a unique opportunity to obtain a second passport and dual citizenship. With the best CBI programmes, you can invest in a secure, stable country and, then, fast-track your path to a new nationality.

Enjoy benefits like visa-free travel and a higher standard of living. Invest in a new citizenship today and secure a better future for you and your family.

Citizenship-by-Investment Programmes

Vanuatu Citizenship

Türkiye Citizenship

St Lucia Citizenship

St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship

Grenada Citizenship

Malta Citizenship

Dominica Citizenship

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Consult with a worldwide specialist.

Escapar team comprises global experts across 20 countries, offering advice in 14 languages. Allow us to assist you in discovering the ideal investment migration solution.

Advantages of Second Citizenship

An Overview of Investment Migration Programs


An Overview of
Investment Migration Programs

The notion of citizenship dates back centuries, with ancient Greek states such as Athens being pioneers in the concept of granting citizenship. In Athens, citizens held the privilege to own property, engage in political office, participate in administrative decisions, and contribute actively to the economy.

Presently, citizens possess complete rights within their nation, coupled with responsibilities that encompass refraining from criminal behavior, contributing to the economy, and importantly, respecting the rights of fellow citizens.

Obtaining a second citizenship is often viewed as a complex process due to the lengthy procedures or specific prerequisites involved in most routes to dual citizenship. Here are the primary paths to acquiring a second citizenship:

  1. Naturalization represents the most common yet prolonged route to gaining a second citizenship. This route entails residing in a country for a specified duration until one becomes eligible to apply for citizenship according to the host country’s laws.

  2. Citizenship by Marriage offers another avenue to acquire a second nationality. In numerous countries, marrying a citizen grants eligibility to apply for citizenship. This can be pursued directly or after obtaining a residency permit and subsequently becoming a citizen through naturalization.

  3. Citizenship by Descent presents a straightforward but exclusive pathway. Certain countries like Austria, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Portugal allow individuals with ancestors who were citizens to apply for citizenship. However, verifying ancestry might involve complex documentation and applies to a limited portion of the global population.

  4. Exceptional Citizenship is exceedingly rare and typically granted to high-profile individuals like Tom Hanks, who received Greek Exceptional Citizenship for his philanthropic endeavors in the country.

  5. Citizenship by Investment stands as the simplest option. Several countries provide investors with the opportunity to acquire citizenship by investing in the nation’s economy. This avenue serves as a fast track to a new nationality for both the investor and eligible family members as dependents.


The concept of Citizenship by Investment traces back to ancient times, notably developed by the Roman Republic. Individuals who fulfilled specific economic contributions were granted citizenship with all accompanying rights—an idea still relevant today.

Many nations now offer Citizenship by Investment programs, providing a pathway to acquiring citizenship and a passport by contributing to the economy. The principle asserts that by investing in a country, one fulfills a portion of their civic duty and should consequently gain citizenship. Additional responsibilities include refraining from criminal activities and respecting the laws and rights of fellow citizens.

Citizenship-by-Investment programs in Grenada, Malta, St Lucia, and Türkiye offer the right to vote in elections. Moreover, their passports facilitate travel to European Union countries and the United States.

Granting economic citizenship offers tremendous benefits to the countries involved, providing their governments with substantial unrestricted foreign direct investment funds that aid in the nation’s development.

For instance, the Commonwealth of Dominica utilized proceeds from its Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Program to establish cost-effective housing for its inhabitants. Furthermore, the program supports the enhancement of the nation’s international airport, a project expected to significantly improve residents’ quality of life and bolster the country’s economy.

CBI programs vary across countries, but they typically encompass five primary investment categories:

  1. Charitable Donations: Citizenship is often granted to those making a minimum donation to a country’s economy. This donation option is typically the most straightforward and economical route to citizenship, with some countries requiring as little as $100,000. However, donations imply that investors do not retrieve their funds. These donations often go to official funds utilized for the nation’s development or for specific crises, like the St Kitts and Nevis Hurricane Relief Fund after a devastating hurricane season.

  2. Real Estate Investments: Investing in real estate stands as one of the most popular paths to citizenship. Most countries offer a real estate option, allowing investors to buy property or shares in luxury resorts. Real estate investments tend to be cost-effective as investors can sell after a government-mandated holding period. Investors may also benefit during this period by renting out or receiving dividends from the property, making it appealing for larger families.

  3. Government Bonds/Securities: Certain countries provide the option to acquire citizenship through the purchase of government bonds or securities. Government bonds are considered safer but yield lower profits, while private securities pose higher risks but can result in higher returns.

  4. Hybrid Investments: Unique to Malta’s CBI Program, this route necessitates investments in multiple avenues, typically in real estate and government donations.

  5. Business Establishment/Job Creation: A few countries allow citizenship applications through business establishment. Some require a specific capital investment, while others grant citizenship based on the number of jobs created and maintained over a designated period.


Numerous countries worldwide present their own variation of a Citizenship by Investment program. Several nations offer pathways to economic citizenship, sharing a common premise but varying in requirements and processing from one country to another.

Typically, applicants must:

  • Maintain a clean criminal record
  • Show a clear source of funds for their investment
  • Complete a comprehensive application
  • Make an eligible investment
  • Be at least 18 years old.

Malta and Antigua and Barbuda stand out by mandating physical residency, which is not a requirement in any other CBI nation for acquiring citizenship.


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