Privacy Policy

At Escapar Travel and Tourism, we hold our customers’ privacy in high regard, ensuring that we only collect information necessary for booking purposes. We are committed to safeguarding our customers’ privacy rights during their interactions with our website, and the details of our commitment are outlined below.

Collection of Personal Information

We gather information when customers contact us to inquire about our products and services or to make a booking. This typically includes details such as name, contact information, email address, physical address, credit card/payment details, travel requirements, and referral sources. By submitting this information, customers provide consent for Escapar Travel and Tourism to use it for accurate and prompt order processing.

Use of Information

Personal information obtained through the website is utilized by Escapar Travel and Tourism for processing bookings, verifying credit card details, and providing relevant information related to the customer’s travel or other requested services. This information is also used for auditing, research, and activities aimed at improving the website’s performance.

Privacy of Your Information

Information provided during online bookings, including name, address, email, and credit card details, is considered private and will not be disclosed or sold except to essential suppliers or third parties involved in order processing. Before disclosing information, we ensure that these third parties adhere to our privacy policy and strict safety measures.

Legal Disclosure of Information

We may disclose information if deemed necessary to protect our company’s rights or comply with a court order or legal proceeding.

Non-Personal Information

Escapar Travel and Tourism consistently collects data from the website, using patterns via web logs and third-party service providers. This data primarily evaluates the effectiveness of the website’s content and features.


Visitors to our website have the option to ‘opt-out’ of having their personal information used for specific purposes. For example, if you prefer not to receive marketing material, you can request to stop receiving advertising information from Escapar Travel and Tourism or our affiliate websites.

Contests and Surveys

Escapar Travel and Tourism occasionally conducts contests, drawings, and surveys. Some of these may involve third-party sponsors, and participants will be informed about the third party’s involvement and the extent of personal information use. Participation in these contests is voluntary, and individuals can decide whether to disclose personal information.

Secured Transactions

To maintain data accuracy and prevent unauthorized access to client information, we ensure that all transactions occur through our secure server. Additionally, technical safeguards such as encryption, socket layers, and firewalls are employed to secure sensitive information like credit card details.


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

